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Hierarchical Time Series Reconciliation

Reconciliation is a post-processing method to adjust the forecasts to be coherent. Given base forecasts \(\hat{\mathbf y}(t)\) (forecasts for all levels but each level forecasted independently), we use \(\mathbf P\) to map them to the bottom-level forecasts

\[ \begin{equation} \tilde{\mathbf b}(t) = \mathbf P \hat{\mathbf y}(t). \end{equation} \]

\(P\) and \(S\)

In the previous section, we discussed the summing matrix \(\color{blue}S\). The summing matrix maps the bottom-level forecasts \(\color{red}{\mathbf b}(t)\) to all forecasts on all levels \(\color{green}\mathbf y(t)\). The example we provided was

\[{\color{green}\begin{pmatrix} s(t) \\ s_\mathrm{CA}(t) \\ s_\mathrm{TX}(t) \\ s_\mathrm{WI}(t) \end{pmatrix}} = {\color{blue}\begin{pmatrix} 1 & 1 & 1 \\ 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 \end{pmatrix}} {\color{red}\begin{pmatrix} s_\mathrm{CA}(t) \\ s_\mathrm{TX}(t) \\ s_\mathrm{WI}(t) \end{pmatrix}}. \]

If we forecast different levels independently, the forecasts we get

\[ \hat{\mathbf y}(t) = \begin{pmatrix} \hat s(t) \\ \hat s_\mathrm{CA}(t) \\ \hat s_\mathrm{TX}(t) \\ \hat s_\mathrm{WI}(t) \end{pmatrix}, \]

are not necessarily coherent. However, if we can choose a proper \(\mathbf P\), we can convert the base forecasts into some bottom-level forecasts

\[ \begin{pmatrix} \tilde s_\mathrm{CA}(t) \\ \tilde s_\mathrm{TX}(t) \\ \tilde s_\mathrm{WI}(t) \end{pmatrix} = \mathbf P \begin{pmatrix} \hat s(t) \\ \hat s_\mathrm{CA}(t) \\ \hat s_\mathrm{TX}(t) \\ \hat s_\mathrm{WI}(t) \end{pmatrix}. \]

From the usage, \(\mathbf S\) and \(\mathbf P\) are like conjugates. We have the following relation

\[ \begin{pmatrix} \tilde s_\mathrm{CA}(t) \\ \tilde s_\mathrm{TX}(t) \\ \tilde s_\mathrm{WI}(t) \end{pmatrix} = \mathbf P \mathbf S {\color{red}\begin{pmatrix} s_\mathrm{CA}(t) \\ s_\mathrm{TX}(t) \\ s_\mathrm{WI}(t) \end{pmatrix}}. \]

It is clear that \(\mathbf P \mathbf S\) is identity if we set

\[ \begin{pmatrix} \tilde s_\mathrm{CA}(t) \\ \tilde s_\mathrm{TX}(t) \\ \tilde s_\mathrm{WI}(t) \end{pmatrix} = {\color{red}\begin{pmatrix} s_\mathrm{CA}(t) \\ s_\mathrm{TX}(t) \\ s_\mathrm{WI}(t) \end{pmatrix}}. \]

However, this is not the only \(\mathbf P\) we can choose.

To generate the coherent forecasts \(\tilde{\mathbf y}(t)\), we use the summing matrix to map the bottom level forecasts to base forecasts of all levels12

\[ \begin{equation} \tilde{\mathbf y}(t) = \mathbf S\tilde{\mathbf b}(t) = \mathbf S \mathbf P \hat{\mathbf y}(t). \label{eq:reconciliation-compact-form} \end{equation} \]

Walmart Sales in Stores

We reuse the example of the Walmart sales data. The base forecasts for all levels are

\[ \hat{\mathbf y}(t) = \begin{pmatrix} \hat s(t) \\ \hat s_\mathrm{CA}(t) \\ \hat s_\mathrm{TX}(t) \\ \hat s_\mathrm{WI}(t) \end{pmatrix}. \]

The simplest mapping to the bottom-level forecasts is

\[ \tilde{\mathbf b}(t) = \begin{pmatrix} 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \end{pmatrix}\begin{pmatrix} \hat s(t) \\ \hat s_\mathrm{CA}(t) \\ \hat s_\mathrm{TX}(t) \\ \hat s_\mathrm{WI}(t) \end{pmatrix}. \]


\[ \tilde{\mathbf b}(t) = \begin{pmatrix} \tilde s_\mathrm{CA}(t) \\ \tilde s_\mathrm{TX}(t) \\ \tilde s_\mathrm{WI}(t) \end{pmatrix} \]

are the bottom-level forecasts to be transformed into coherent forecasts.

In this simple method, our mapping matrix \(\mathbf P\) can be

\[ \mathbf P = \begin{pmatrix} 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \end{pmatrix}. \]

Using this \(\mathbf P\), we get

\[ \tilde{\mathbf b}(t) = \hat{\mathbf b}(t) = \begin{pmatrix} \hat s_\mathrm{CA}(t) \\ \hat s_\mathrm{TX}(t) \\ \hat s_\mathrm{WI}(t) \end{pmatrix}. \]

The last step is to apply the summing matrix

\[ \mathbf S = \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 1 & 1 \\ 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 \end{pmatrix}, \]

so that

\[ \tilde{\mathbf y}(t) = \mathbf S \tilde{\mathbf b}(t) = \begin{pmatrix} \hat s_\mathrm{CA}(t) + \hat s_\mathrm{TX}(t) + \hat s_\mathrm{WI}(t) \\ \hat s_\mathrm{CA}(t) \\ \hat s_\mathrm{TX}(t) \\ \hat s_\mathrm{WI}(t) \end{pmatrix}. \]

In summary, our coherent forecasts for each level are

\[ \begin{align} \tilde s (t) &= \hat s_\mathrm{CA}(t) + \hat s_\mathrm{TX}(t) + \hat s_\mathrm{WI}(t) \\ \tilde s_\mathrm{CA}(t) &= \hat s_\mathrm{CA}(t) \\ \tilde s_\mathrm{TX}(t) &= \hat s_\mathrm{TX}(t) \\ \tilde s_\mathrm{WI}(t) &= \hat s_\mathrm{WI}(t). \end{align} \]

The \(\mathbf P\) we used in this example represents the bottom-up method.

Results like \(\tilde s_\mathrm{CA}(t) = \hat s_\mathrm{CA}(t)\) look comfortable but they are not necessary. In other reconciliation methods, these relations might be broken, i.e., \(\tilde s_\mathrm{CA}(t) = \hat s_\mathrm{CA}(t)\) may not be true.

Component Form

We rewrite

\[ \tilde{\mathbf y}(t) = \mathbf S \mathbf P \hat{\mathbf y}(t) \]

using the component form

\[ \tilde y_i = S_{ij} G_{jk} \hat y_k. \]

There is more than one \(\mathbf P\) that can map the forecasts to the bottom-level forecasts. Three of the so-called single-level approaches1 are bottom-up, top-down, and middle-out2.

Apart from these intuitive methods, Wickramasuriya et al. (2017) proposed the MinT method to find the optimal \(\mathbf P\) matrix that gives us the minimal trace of the covariance of the reconciled forecast error3,

\[ \tilde{\boldsymbol \epsilon} = \mathbf y(t) - \tilde{\mathbf y}(t), \]

with \(\mathbf y\) being the ground truth and \(\tilde{\mathbf y}\) being the coherent forecasts. Wickramasuriya et al. (2017) showed that the optimal \(\mathbf P\) is

\[ \begin{equation} \hat{\mathbf P} = (\mathbf S^T \mathbf W(t)^{-1} \mathbf S)^{-1} (\mathbf S^{T}\mathbf W(t)^{-1}), \label{eq-mint-p} \end{equation} \]

where \(W_{h} = \mathbb E\left[ \tilde{\boldsymbol \epsilon} \tilde{\boldsymbol \epsilon}^T \right] = \mathbb E \left[ (\mathbf y(t) - \tilde{\mathbf y}(t))(\mathbf y(t) - \tilde{\mathbf y}(t))^T \right]\) is the covariance matrix of the reconciled forecast error.

\(\hat{\mathbf P} \neq \mathbf I\)

Note that \(\mathbf S\) is not a square matrix and we can't simply apply the inverse on each element,

\[ (\mathbf S^T \mathbf W(t)^{-1} \mathbf S)^{-1} \neq \mathbf S^{-1} \mathbf W(t) {\mathbf S^T}^{-1}. \]

MinT is easy to calculate but it assumes that the forecasts are unbiased. To relieve this constraint, Van Erven & Cugliari (2013) proposed a game-theoretic method called GTOP4. In deep learning, Rangapuram et al. (2021) developed an end-to-end model for coherent probabilistic hierarchical forecasts2. For these advanced topics, we redirect the readers to the original papers.

MinT Examples


To see how the MinT method works, we calculate a few examples based on equation \(\eqref{eq-mint-p}\). For simplicity, we assume that the variance \(\mathbf W\) is diagonal3. Note that the matrix \(\mathbf S \mathbf P\) decides how each original forecast is combined, \(\tilde{\mathbf y} = \mathbf S \mathbf P \hat{\mathbf y}\). It will be the key for us to understand how MinT works.

In the following examples, we observe that the lower variance of the reconciled forecast error \(W_{ii}\), the less change in the reconciled result. Since lower values of \(W_{ii}\) indicate lower reconciled forecast error, reconciliation should not adjust it by a lot.

For a 2-level hierarchical forecasting problem, the shape of the \(\mathbf S\) matrix is (3,2) and we have three values to pre-compute or assume, i.e., the diagonal elements of \(\mathbf W\).

\(\mathbf S\) \(\mathbf P\) \(\mathbf S \mathbf P\)
\(\left[\begin{matrix}1 & 1\\1 & 0\\0 & 1\end{matrix}\right]\) \(\left[\begin{matrix}\frac{- \frac{W_{2} W_{3}}{W_{1} + W_{2} + W_{3}} + \frac{W_{1} W_{2} + W_{2} W_{3}}{W_{1} + W_{2} + W_{3}}}{W_{1}} & \frac{W_{1} W_{2} + W_{2} W_{3}}{W_{2} \left(W_{1} + W_{2} + W_{3}\right)} & - \frac{W_{2}}{W_{1} + W_{2} + W_{3}}\\\frac{- \frac{W_{2} W_{3}}{W_{1} + W_{2} + W_{3}} + \frac{W_{1} W_{3} + W_{2} W_{3}}{W_{1} + W_{2} + W_{3}}}{W_{1}} & - \frac{W_{3}}{W_{1} + W_{2} + W_{3}} & \frac{W_{1} W_{3} + W_{2} W_{3}}{W_{3} \left(W_{1} + W_{2} + W_{3}\right)}\end{matrix}\right]\) \(\left[\begin{matrix}\frac{- \frac{2 W_{2} W_{3}}{W_{1} + W_{2} + W_{3}} + \frac{W_{1} W_{2} + W_{2} W_{3}}{W_{1} + W_{2} + W_{3}} + \frac{W_{1} W_{3} + W_{2} W_{3}}{W_{1} + W_{2} + W_{3}}}{W_{1}} & \frac{- \frac{W_{2} W_{3}}{W_{1} + W_{2} + W_{3}} + \frac{W_{1} W_{2} + W_{2} W_{3}}{W_{1} + W_{2} + W_{3}}}{W_{2}} & \frac{- \frac{W_{2} W_{3}}{W_{1} + W_{2} + W_{3}} + \frac{W_{1} W_{3} + W_{2} W_{3}}{W_{1} + W_{2} + W_{3}}}{W_{3}}\\\frac{- \frac{W_{2} W_{3}}{W_{1} + W_{2} + W_{3}} + \frac{W_{1} W_{2} + W_{2} W_{3}}{W_{1} + W_{2} + W_{3}}}{W_{1}} & \frac{W_{1} W_{2} + W_{2} W_{3}}{W_{2} \left(W_{1} + W_{2} + W_{3}\right)} & - \frac{W_{2}}{W_{1} + W_{2} + W_{3}}\\\frac{- \frac{W_{2} W_{3}}{W_{1} + W_{2} + W_{3}} + \frac{W_{1} W_{3} + W_{2} W_{3}}{W_{1} + W_{2} + W_{3}}}{W_{1}} & - \frac{W_{3}}{W_{1} + W_{2} + W_{3}} & \frac{W_{1} W_{3} + W_{2} W_{3}}{W_{3} \left(W_{1} + W_{2} + W_{3}\right)}\end{matrix}\right]\)

We visualize the matrix \(\mathbf S\mathbf P\). It is straightforward to verify that it always leads to coherent results. S * P

import sympy as sp
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns

class MinTMatrices:
    def __init__(self, levels: int):
        self.levels = levels

    def s(self):
        s_ident_diag = np.diag([1] * (self.levels - 1)).tolist()
        return sp.Matrix(
                [1] * (self.levels - 1),
            ] + s_ident_diag
    def w_diag_elements(self):
        return tuple(
            for i in range(1, self.levels + 1)

    def w(self):
        return sp.Matrix(np.diag(self.w_diag_elements).tolist())

    def p_left(self):
        return sp.Inverse(
            sp.MatMul(sp.Transpose(self.s), sp.Inverse(self.w), self.s)

    def p_right(self):
        return (
            sp.MatMul(sp.Transpose(self.s), sp.Inverse(self.w))

    def p(self):
        return sp.MatMul(self.p_left, self.p_right)

    def s_p(self):
        return sp.MatMul(self.s, self.p)

    def s_p_numerical(self):
        return sp.lambdify(

    def visualize_s_p(self, w_elements, ax):
        sns.heatmap(self.s_p_numerical(*w_elements), annot=True, cbar=False, ax=ax)
        ax.set(xticklabels=[], yticklabels=[])
        ax.tick_params(bottom=False, left=False)
        ax.set_title(f"$W_{{diag}} = {w_elements}$")
        return ax

mtm_3 = MinTMatrices(levels=3)
    f"s: {sp.latex(mtm_3.s)}\n"
    f"p: {sp.latex(mtm_3.p.as_explicit())}\n"
    f"s_p: {sp.latex(mtm_3.s_p.as_explicit())}\n"

# 2 bottom series, in total three series



w_elements = [

fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows = 1, ncols=2, figsize=(4 * 2, 4))

for idx, w in enumerate(w_elements):
    mtm_3.visualize_s_p(w, axes[idx])


There are different methods to get the covariance matrix \(\mathbf W\). We discuss a few examples and their implications.

method \(\mathbf W\) Note
OLS \(\mathbf I\) More weight on the higher levels in the hierarchy
Structual Scaling \(\operatorname{diag}(\mathbf S \mathbf I)\) Less weight on higher levels compared to OLS

Real-world Data


The code for this subsection can be found in this notebook (also available on Google Colab).

We use a small subset of the M5 competition data to show that MinT works by shifting the values on different hierarchies.

date CA TX WI CA_1 CA_2 CA_3 CA_4 TX_1 TX_2 TX_3 WI_1 WI_2 WI_3 Total
2011-01-29 00:00:00 14195 9438 8998 4337 3494 4739 1625 2556 3852 3030 2704 2256 4038 32631
2011-01-30 00:00:00 13805 9630 8314 4155 3046 4827 1777 2687 3937 3006 2194 1922 4198 31749
2011-01-31 00:00:00 10108 6778 6897 2816 2121 3785 1386 1822 2731 2225 1562 2018 3317 23783
2011-02-01 00:00:00 11047 7381 6984 3051 2324 4232 1440 2258 2954 2169 1251 2522 3211 25412
2011-02-02 00:00:00 9925 5912 3309 2630 1942 3817 1536 1694 2492 1726 2 1175 2132 19146

We apply a simple LightGBM model using Darts. The forecasts are not coherent.

forecasts not coherent

Applying MinT method, we reached coherent forecasts for all levels. The following charts shows the example for the top two levels.

MinT -> coherent

Each step was adjusted differently since the forecasted values are different. To see how exactly the forecasted are adjusted to reach coherency, we plot out the difference between the reconciled results and the original forecasts, \(\tilde{\mathbf y} - \hat{\mathbf y}\).

adjustments from MinT

Tools and Packages

Darts and hierarchicalforecast from Nixtla provide good support for reconciliations.

  1. Hyndman, R.J., & Athanasopoulos, G. (2021) Forecasting: principles and practice, 3rd edition, OTexts: Melbourne, Australia. Accessed on 2022-11-27. 

  2. Rangapuram SS, Werner LD, Benidis K, Mercado P, Gasthaus J, Januschowski T. [End-to-End 

  3. Wickramasuriya SL, Athanasopoulos G, Hyndman RJ. Optimal forecast reconciliation for hierarchical and grouped time series through trace minimization. Journal of the American Statistical Association 2019; 114: 804–819. 

  4. Erven T van, Cugliari J. Game-Theoretically optimal reconciliation of contemporaneous hierarchical time series forecasts. In: Modeling and stochastic learning for forecasting in high dimensions. Springer International Publishing, 2015, pp 297–317. 

Contributors: LM